Whenever people gather to talk about social media, one question invariably comes up: How can I get more people to ‘Like’ my fan page? There are literally dozens of ways to do this, but for this post I’ll give you 10 easy tips that will help you get more ‘Likes.’
Make sure you have a customized welcome tab on your fan page. It’s best to provide visitors with some type of free offer that will entice them to Like your page. Offer them a free ebook, special report, or a video or anything else about a topic related to your business. By all means direct them to a landing page where you can capture their name and email address.
On your personal Facebook page, be sure to link your employment information to your fan page. I’m amazed at how many people forget to do this.
Put a Facebook icon on your website, blog and all your marketing materials. Give people every opportunity to get to your Facebook fan page.
Make sure your email signature has a link to all your social media accounts. It’s easy to set this up in the preferences pane of your email program. This lets people connect with you across several platforms if they want to.
Use Facebook Insights. This tool gives you analytics to assess where your traffic is coming from. Once you learn what’s working, it’s easier to target your marketing in that area to get additional ‘Likes.’
Create compelling content for your fan page. This is the best way to keep your fans coming back, engaging more fully with you and sharing your content with others.
Post new updates on a regular basis. Make sure you update your status daily. Nothing is worse than stale content. If you’re not present on a consistent basis, you’re fans will walk away.
Invite your customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to your fan page. If they trust you, they’ll want to keep up with your posts.
Engage your fans directly. Ask them questions, conduct polls, ask for their comments – be controversial. After all, it is “social” media!
Choose someone to be the Fan of the Week. People love recognition, and selecting a fan to recognize tells them that you value them.